We all know and love Tommo, Charlie, Joe and Molly, but what about our villians, Grandma Wolf, Mr Munnings and the Colonel? Imagine you are one of these characters and write a short blog in the first person on their views on the Peacefuls. Come on, let's see who can make blogger of the week! Have fun! Check out these blogs for some ideas, just click on the links!
I'm Grandma Wolf...
Those Peaceful boys at it again!! Out poaching the colonels salmon. Arghhhh...I'm going to give them a real good hiding but their idiot of a mother will never approve. I'm sure the colonel will find a sutaible punishment to suit those young ruffians and probably with a help of the Lambert. If he and his sniffer dog had not been out walking, the rascals would never have been found out. I can't get over it though!!! Heres their "Grandma" out working for the colonel and there is the young peaceful boys tearing down the family name!Well who can blame them really, with a family like that, it's not as if they're setting a great example!A dad killing himself and their mother spending her days singing to her son...well anyway, they'll be out here in rain snow or shine cleaning out those dogs 'til Christmas whether they like it or not! But hopefully that will sort them out!!
For my blog i have decided to be the Colonel....
Ohh those Peacefuls.I cant believe those boys have the nerve to even dare poach in my river and poach all my salmon.Really how DARE they !.The idiots. I'm FURIOUS their nothing but young ruffians !! Personally I would give them a real good hiding if their fool of a mother would approve .Ohhh well i'm sure I will come up with a suitable punishment for them no good lousy rascals.They would know all about it if I sent Lambert on them.Thank goodnessi was walking passed with Lambert or they would probably still be poaching all my salmon.I know I'll make them clean out the kennals everyday sleet or snow they will be out there cleaning those kennals every single day til Christmas i'll make sure of it . That will teach them.How can i blame them though they have a father who has tragicly died a mum who hardly ever leaves the house a brother withan obsession for bugs and a grandma who does nothing but critisizes them. I'll soon teach them..!!
im the cornel .....
see those peaceful boys there all ways at it out poaching my samon .yes Grandma wolf and i will give them a good hiding but imi sure mrs peaceful will never agree.I am going to find a desent punishment for them and when I do it willl be a good one. they rascals are always up to somthing .Im not sure what the punishment will be but when I think of one it will surely sort them out unless... no it will !!!
Natalie, Ashleigh and Abbie, well done. Fantastic comments, I can almost imagine you as that horrible pair! You have really put your points of view across, keep it up.
I'm Mr Munnings
Not another Peaceful was not one peaceful anough i will never except this but i will need to i better keep a close eye on those Peaceful brothers who knows what they could get up to i will just keep the cane a little bit coser to me with those two who nnows when i will need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am mr munnings......
not anoter peaceful, was one not bad enough. I'm going to keep an eye on those two peaceful boys. God knows what mischief they get up to when theey are together.
I'm the Colonel.....
You boys are caught now theres no escape now!!!! Really how dare you try and poach MY salmon. You deserve a good hiding! If I hadn't been out with my dog you wouldn't have been caught but I was lucky!!
You can clean out the kennels until Christmas and I don't care what you say you are doing it !!!!
Mind you it must be a really hard time for them as their father was crushed by a tree just to save his son which I thought was amazing and a mum who cannot leave the house because his brother is obsessed with animals!! PLUS on top of that they have a grandma who is really bad for critizing ... But that doesn't stop me from punishing them ..
I have decided to be Mr Munnings...
Why oh why did Mrs peaceful have to send her other son to school.
Charlie Peaceful is enough I dont need Thomas as well.At least he's in Miss Macalisters class .I suppose it could be worse she could have sent Joe Peaceful the loony one .Hopefully Thomas is not as bad as his brother Charlie I'll just have to wait and see.
I'm Grandma Wolf the WOLFWOMAN!!!
Arrrrggggh those boys!!!!!!!!!! How dare they poach on private property they should have got a a real good hiding !!!!!!Idiot is the only way to discribe their mother.Cleaning kennels is NOT enough for what they did !!!
Until Christmas I would say a YEAR!!!!! I'm amazed Molly is friends with them but what a brilliant example she is .... Anyway if it wasn't for Lambert they would have got away.No hiding Preposterous they are practically getting away with it well it serves them right.
I'm going to be Grandma Wolf the WOLF WOMEN !!!!!
Commen theives is what they are poaching on private property ridculous and my own family to !!!
They should have got a good hiding but their mother (idiot) refused to let them have one,idiot.
Cleaning kennels is NOT enough for that kind of behavour..... and it should be for a year not until Christmas. Huhhhhh well I hope they learn their lesson to.The Colonel was to soft he should have stuck to his word and gave them a hiding they won't forget.
I'm Mr Munnings...
Dear God,
do you despise me or something, why have you gave me those two peaceful boys at my school. Ive already had to lash that charlie lad with my belt and i'm glad enough to give that thomas one a lash or two. What's next that backward boy joseph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well, the more of that Peaceful lot the more lashing I have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yet they're mother has decided to go work for the colonel, its none of my business i know that im only a teacher but that family is out of control!
I am the colonel...... WHAT....Those Little Sceaming Boys Out There Trying To Catch My Fish !!!!! Who Do They Little Creatures Are !
Wait Until I See Their Mother She Wouldn`t Be Proud Of They Boys !
Poaching In My Land...Redicolous.
I Have To Think Of A Plan To Get Them Back. I Think I Know What They Will Get Just Wait And See !!
Im the Colonel...
"Only one way to deal with young ruffians like you," he said."I could have you up before the magistrate,but since Im the magistrate anyway there's no need to go to all that trouble is there? I'll sentence you right now.You will come up here tomorrow morning at ten o' clock sharp,and I'll give you each of you the hiding so richly deserve.Then you can stay and clean out the hunt kennels till i say you can go.That should teach you not to come poaching on my land."
Im The Colonel..
Stop poaching in my land you little commom theives.Who do you think you little boys are ! Wait till your mother hears about this she will no be so kind to use any more !
i'm the colonel...
how dare you peaceful boys poach my salmon in my river i'm am so furious! i would give each of you the hiding only your stupid mother will not approve I'm sure i'll think of something.
those peacefuls messing around on my land i should have them shot.no respect for me nor manners.poahing on my animals and fish.i will march them up to there shabby cottage by the scruff of there necks.
I am the colonel How dare you poach on my land i should give yous a good proper hiding.I will not give yous a hiding but will make yous clean the stables until christmas eve.Then i hope yous have learned your lesson and never poach on my land again or yous will get a proper hiding.
I am Lambart..........
Those Peaceful boys will be the death of me. But as long as I am game keeper they will not poach on the colonels land again. And to think they got off the hook without the hiding they so richly deserved. If I were their mother I would teach them a thing or two about respect. If I catch them again I think my good old dog will have something to bite on. I hope their mother changes her mind about the hiding.
I've choosed to be Mr Munnings....
Not another peaceful,was one not bad enough.Charlie was enough bother now Thommas aswell.I will need to keep a close eye on they two brothers.I dont know what they will get up to i will just keep a close eye on them.!!!
Jamie-LeighM xXx
I am the Colonel
Ooh those children how dare they cume poaching on my land.This is my land and my land only.I will cume up with a really good punishment for those two.Who would even imagine coming onto my land.How many people would put a foot on my land,take my fishand eat my fish.
Those young peacefuls how dare they cume poaching on my land.Taking my salmon out of my land.Even taking one step on my land with out my permission.I will have to think of a really good punishment for those children.I know i will make them clean out the dog kennels.
Amy J said
I am the Colonel
I will teach those young thieves for poaching on my land. I will give them a good hiding, one that they will never forget.
i am colonel..
how dare you peasful boys poach in my land ,iam so angry.Who do you boys think you are.I will need to tell your mum and we will need to think of a punishment.I dont want to see you poaching again in my river.
Im The Colonel....
Not those Peaceful boys again, poaching my salmon. Im going o give tha right good hiding, only if there stupid mother would approve!! Im sure I will come up with a punishment for they two ruffians. They will know all about it if I set Lambert on them, if I was not walking past with Lambert they little rascals would still be poaching my salmon! The boys will be made to clean up the kennals in the pouring wet rain, snow and shine until christmas. That should teach them a thing or two!!
I am Colonel...
Thomas and Charlie,Poaching on my salmon.Dindn't I guess!
When I catch them I'll give them a right good roaring..And they'll think twice about poaching on my land.
They'll get a good old punishment as well.
I'm Mr Munnings .....
Wasn't one peaceful enough but now we have two.Tommo sounds quieter now but will soon turn out like his brother.
I Am Grandma Wolf . . .
Peacefuls Disgust Me !!
I am Ashamed To Be Related To Them !!!
That Mother Of Theirs Has Not Enough Disaplin To Give To Her Boys !!!!
Poaching In My Friends Land How Dare They ? !!!!!
I am Sick Fed Up of Them Fed Up I say !!!!!!
Kim xXx
I'm Mr Munnings.....
Oh no not an other peaceful wasnt one peaceful enough.First i had Charlie now Thommas.I will Have To keep a close eye on they two.I dont know what they will get up to.They two brothers will have to be keeped a close eye on.
RobynM XxX
for this i am the colonel
I will teach these young theives for poaching in my land.I will give them a good hiting, on that they'll never forget and wait till your mother hears about this she 'll no be very happy.
I have decided to be Grandma Wolf...
I do not like any member of my family, especially those boys. The Colonel is a great man and I can not believe they poached in his river and blew raspberries at him. Atrocious! I am very glad that they got caught.
the colonel.
Those peaceful boys keep on steeling my salmon and I am sick of it.
I must set A trap some how.
I am mr.munnings
not another peaceful was not peaceful enough.now i shall have more trouble.i better keep a close eye on those brothers. who knows what they will get up to
I'm the colonel
if i ever catch those boys again they wont be able to sit down for a week. they'll also be out of that house their heads will spin.
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