You should now have read two chapters. Describe your favouite character, remembering to make the description as vivid as possible. The best deascription with be named "Blogger of the Week"!
Welcome to New Farm Primary's P7 Private Peaceful blog! On this site our class will post our work on Private Peaceful, our thoughts and opinions, and our activities related to this great book.
My favourite character is Molly
I like Molly the best because she is nice and kind and loves to help people
She is friends with Tommo,Charlie and Big Joe
She has golden brown hair and usally has plaits
She is a very nice girl and is the oldest girl in the Tiddlers
My favourite character is charlie because he i s really brave and he is really popular boy and he saves tommo from getting beaten up which is quite a brave thing to do and he i is good at winking
from jordan h x
My favourite character is Molly because she is really kind and is always happy to help people.Molly is also Tommos best friend and she is the only one who was nice to him when he was new in school.Molly is never sad she is always very cheery and smily.Another thing is she doesn't make a fool of Big - Joe because he has something wrong with him and that is why Molly is my favourite character.
By Ashleigh
My favourite character is Molly because she is very kind and helpful to Tommo. When she comes to Charlie and Tommo's house I find she is very kind to Big Joe and is very patient with his disability.I know this because on Tommo's first day of school she got along with him straight away and done anything she could to help him and even tied his shoelaces! I also realised that Molly prefers their mother to Grandma wolf because when Grandma Wolf took over the house she smacked Molly and sent her home even though the book doesn't describe how. I would imagine Molly looks quite pretty with short brown hair and a sprinkle of freckles across her face. I hope that Molly, Tommo, Charlie and Big Joe stay friends throughout the book and will always look out for each other!!
i like molly the best because she is nice and kind and loves to help people a lot and when people are sad she makes them happy x thats how a like molly the best
she has alot of friends called big joe and charlie and lots of other people
she is a very nice girl she does not like seeing anybody sad i can not wait to read more about molly
love from kayley and courtney
My favourite character is Molly because she is kind and very helpful. She is very kind and helpful because she helped Tommo tie his shoe laces when no one else did. Also she is very patient with Big Joe as he has a disability. She also made friends with Tommo when he had none and that is why I know she is a very kind and helpful character. She always goes to Tommo and Charlie's house which means she has plenty of friends. Molly really likes Tommo's mum more than she likes her own! I always think she has blonde hair with a spread of freakles across her nose, also I think she will look quite pretty and a relly nice girl. All of they reasons is why Molly is my favourite character !!!
my favourite caracter
is big Joe because he is fun,loving and caring.
Big Joe also has disabilities
he loves to go into little worlds of his own.He collects bugs and loves to sing oranges and lemons.
His brothers are supportive and dont let anyone make fun of him.
one of his brothers even got into a fight because another boy said big joe was a loony. He loves it when his mum sings to him but when mum gets a new job grandma comes to stay and treats him like a baby and even hits him when he doesn't do what he was told and that is why I like Big Joe
My favourite character is tommo because he
is not scared to stand up for what he believes in.
my favourite chareter is charile he is brave because he saved tommo from getting beat up plus he is very popular.
My favourite character is molly because she is very kind and helpful. For example when she offered to help Tommo tie his laces and when Charlie was in a fight because a boy said something about big-joe
and she said she liked big-joe a lot and always goes to tommo and Charlie's house for tea most nights.Molly is aslo tommo's best friend because the 1st time he saw her she looked very happy and helped her tie his shoe laces when he needed help to do them .Now Tommo and Molly are best and good friends and will always look out for each other and help each other when they need it !!!
By Natalie McMillan
My favourite chareter is charlie because he is a very brave boy because he saved Tommo from getting beating up also he is very popular
from Daniel
My favourite character is Charlie Peaceful because he is very kind and funny and always helps his brother Thomas Peaceful in the book when tommo got into a fight with big Jimmy Parsons Charlie grabbed Jimmy and stood up for Tommo.
Molly-Molly was a smart child,always thought about other children,was helpful and even told Tommo how to tie his bootlaces.Molly didn't pal about with Tommo or Charlie she would always pal about with girls not boys.Molly was one of the top students,she was liked by every teacher and very helpful around the class.
Tommo is Charlie's brother and they both look after each other.
They some times get into a fight with other children in school and some times get into bother by Mr Munnings.
my favroite character is molly because she is very kind and sweet.molly is kind because she helped tommo tie his laces. when the mouse died she put a high pile of flowers on it and sang a song calledwhat a friend we have in jesus.
My favorite character is charlie because he is very kind and he plays and helps tommo.charlie always gives tommo piggybacks and always sticks up for people.
favourite is farther
it was cool when he saved Tommo thats how i like father the best a can not wait to read the rest about father x
Tommo is a bit shy,he has only two friends at school.They are molly & charlie.Charlie is his brother and they look after each other.He has another big brother called Big Joe.His teacher is called Mr Munnings.
Big Joe doesn't go to school,Mr Munnings wouldn't take him so Mother tries to teach him as best as she can.
My fravourite charachter is Tommo's dad because he is very brave like when he saved Tommo when the tree was going to fall on him.
My fravourite charachter is Tommo's dad because he is very brave like when he saved Tommo when the tree was going to fall on him.
My fravourite charachter is Tommo's dad because he is very brave like when he saved Tommo when the tree was going to fall on him.
My fravourite charachter is Tommo's dad because he is very brave like when he saved Tommo when the tree was going to fall on him.
My fravourite charachter is Tommo's dad because he is very brave like when he saved Tommo when the tree was going to fall on him.
As a class our favourite character is Big Joe. He has learning difficulties but is funny and caring to animals.
He is cheery and sings "oranges and lemons"
He has nightmares and is easily frightened.
My Favourite Character Is Charlie.
I Like Charlie Because He Is very Brave And Stands Up For Himself And Others .
Charlie Has Alot of Friends but His Best Friend Is Molly . He Gets on Really Well With His Two Brothers Big Joe And Tommo , He Is Closer To Tommo Because He goes Places with Him .
Charlie Is In The Bigguns Section At School And His Teacher is Mr Munnings . Mr Munnings Is Very Strict And Doesn`t Let Many People Get Away With With Things .
He has Gave Charlie The Belt Six Times For Fighting .
So That Is Why I Like Charlie
By Kim x
Big joe
My favourite character is Big joe.I like big joe because he is kind and caring to animals and people.he is friends with molly he has 2 brothers named Thomas and Charlie.He likes to collect animals in the churchyard and sing"Oranges and Lemons" he also has learning difficulties and brain damage from "meningitis" when he was born.Big Joe does not go to school because Mr Munnings says he's backwards he was also called a looney by a schoo boy when he found a slow-worm.
by ScottH
My favourite character is big Joe he is a kind and helpful boy. He is friends with molly and has two brothers called tommo and charlie. He collects insects and i think he's cool.
from lewis w
My favourite character is Thomas peaceful.He is the littlest in the tiddlers.He is also the youngest in the peaceful family.
He has his first day at school.During his first day at school he learns how to tie his laces.
His friends are Charlie,Molly and Big Joe
He has two brothers Big Joe and Charlie.Big Joe is disabled.he also likes animals and singing oranges and lemons.Charlie is brave and helped Charlie when he got in a fight.
Tommo got in a fight when a bully named Jimmy Parsons told tommo he had a lonny for a brother.Tommo was so angry with him that he started to fight him and I think tommo was quite brave.
I also think it is sad because tommo saw his father die right in front of him.His dad saved Tommo's life and got squashed by a tree and died.
I think Tommo is acherry boy and a smart boy and that is why a think Tommo is the best.
My favourite character is big Joe.
Big Joe is kind and caring.He doesn't go to school because he has learning difficulties.He is much older than Charlie and Tommo.He sits up in his tree singing "oranges and lemons" he also likes mother singing to him.He gets frightened easily and has nightmares.Big Joe is kind to animals and has a bug collection.His brothers are very supportive and don't let him get bullied.Big Joe best friends are Charlie,Tommo and Molly.Molly is kind and loving to Big Joe and likes him for who he is. !!!
That is why i like Big Joe.
By Terri x
My favourite character in this book so far is Molly.
Molly is my favourite because she helped Tommo on his first day of school and became friends with him .She is also very kind to Big Joe and doesn't mind that he has learning disabilities.She is also friends with Charlie.
She is the oldest of the tiddlers and the best pupil in the tiddlers.
She has chesnut brown hair which is usually in plaits.
My favourite character is molly.
I like her because she is a very kind girl and doesnt bother with Big Joe being around her .
Molly is the oldest girl in the tiddlers and she is very helpful in class.
Tommos mum likes her and alot of other people like her so thats why i like her best .
My favourite character is Big Joe
I like Big Joe the best because he is a kind,sensetive and funny person .
He has three best friends Molly, Charlie and Tommo .
At times he can go into worlds of his own and start singing his favourite song oranges and lemons and start collecting more insects to keep along with the rest .
His brother Charlie sticks up for him alot.
That is why I like Big Joe the best .
My favourite character is Big Joe.
I like him because he is disabled but he acts normal.He is funny,cheery and likes to sing "oranges and lemons".He is frightened when mother cry's and has nightmares.His best friends are Charlie,Tommo and Molly.He is kind and caring to animals and has a collection of bugs,small creatures.
That is why I like Big Joe.
From Josh x
Big Joe is my favourite character. His friends are Charlie and Molly. He is fun and caring. He loves animals.
My favourite chracter is Big Joe
I like Big Joe because he is caring
He also has disabilities.He likes to sing oranges and lemons.He even had nightmares.He is very nice and kind to people and animals.Thats why i like Big Joe
My favourite charector is Big Joe because he is kind and caring. His best friends are Molly, Thomas, Charlie and Mother. Big Joe enjoys singing Oranges and Lemons. He had a serious illness when he was only a few weeks old. His brothers don't let enyone make a fool of Big Joe and one even got in a fight because a bully called him a loony. Big Joe sometimes goes into a world of his own but alway comes back in the end.
My favourite character is Big Joe because he's cheery and always happy.
He happily sings Oranges and Lemons and he has a learning difficulty.
Plus he loves animals and being told about the world and how it works.
His faveourite place is at the church tower where he catches the animals he finds.
he is liked by all his family and he likes everybody too.
My favourite character is big joe.
I like big joe because he is very kind to everyone and especialy to animals.He is friends with molly and a brother to tommo and charlie.Big joe does not go to school because mr munnings thinks he is backwards but he only has a learning disability.Big joe is easily agitated and likes to sing oranges and lemmons.
My favorite charecter is Big Joe because he is funny. Big Joe is kind to animals and people.He likes it when mother sings to him and he likes to sing "oranges and lemons".He usually has nightmares and gets frightend easily and thats why he's my favorite charecter.
My favourite character is BigJoe.He is loving and caring to everyone and everything.He has learning difficulties and just loves to sing "oranges and lemons" He can be funny at times but can be easily distracted by other things and is easily scared.Tommo,charley and BigJoe like it when their mother sings to them.BigJoe dose not go to school because Mr Munnings (The School headteacher) dose not want him.
my favourite characther is Big Joe because he is kind and funny and likes to sing oranges and lemons.
He does have learning disabilities so he doesnt go to school but his brothers tommo and charlie take care of him.
from fraser
My favourite character is Big Joe.I think it's a shame for him that because he had meningitis as a baby he now has learning difficulties that stop him doing things like other children like going to school with his two brothers.I think he has a very good personality because he never gets moody or crabbit with anyone but is happy and cheery sitting in his tree singing Oranges and Lemons or sharing rabbit pooh! YUK!that he thinks are sweets.I know that would make me crabbit but they wouldn't catch me out because i have a rabbit and know what its pooh look like YUK again!I think he must be sort of like his Dad who died while saving his brother from a falling tree.At his funeral his boss said he was always a cheery man.Like Big Joe is to.I would really like to meet my favourite character but think it would be scarey if he drifted off into a dream world of nightmares but i know he wouldn't mean to though as the real Big Joe is someone everyone loves. From Robyn.x
My Favourite character is Big Joe
He is very kind and generous and looks after his brothers.
Big Joe loves sitting in his tree singing Oranges and Lemons
my favourite character is big joe he is funny and has learing difficulties.he loves to sit in trees and sing oranges and lemons.
My favourite character is big joe because
he loves:sitting in trees,singing oranges and lemons.
My favourite character is molly. She is kind and helpful. She is friends with Charlie
My favourite character is charlie because he is not afraid to stick up for thomas and he sounds like a good fighter. He is also quite brave if he can fight a bully.
my favourite character is big joe becouse
he is very kind and helpful.
My favourite charactr is big joe because he is kind and helpfull.
My favourite character is Big Joe because he's kind and friendly his friend are Molly Charlie and Tommo he loves singing oranges and lemons Big Joe has a disablity
and is easily agitated
Hi P7!
I've been reading your comments and they are really good. I hope you're enjoying the book and like using this site.
My favourite character is Big Joe. He's a sensitive character and I'd like to know more about him.
Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.
My favourite character is Molly as she is a really kind person and it sounds as if she is a really good friend to Tommo. She also gave a lot of support and sympathy to Tommo when his father died.
Molly is always keen to help anyone who is in need. Molly is also the eldest of the Tiddlers.THis is why I like Molly the best!
Kirsty x
My favourite character is tommo.
I like him because he's not scared in what he believes in.Tommo and Charlie sometimes get into some fights at school and get into troble by Mr munnings.Mr munnings hit Tommo with a sharp ruler on the the knucules.
Tommo and the Peasfuls live in the country
side.they have a friend called Molly who they meet at school.Molly is very sweet
Mollys friends are Tommo,Charlie and Big joe.Molly gave a mouse to Big joe for his
birthday and Big joe loved it!
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