Congratulations on your super blog comments! This week's challenge is to follow up on your class work and share some ideas. You should now have read pg 47- 60 "Ten to Midnight" where Charlie has stolen the Colonel's dog, Bertha, and hidden her in the old shack at Ford's Cleave Wood.
How do you see the book progressing from here? What will happen in the lives of Tommo and Charlie? What jobs might they do? What will happen to to the family? Write a short summary of what you think might happen in the book. This will help you share ideas to complete your last task in the class.
I think that Charlie will maybe get fired if the clolonel finds out that it was Charlie who stole Bertha. I think that Tommo will get a job up in the colonels estate like everyone else. After that I think that Tommo will go to war hense the title "Private Peaceful".
I Think Mother will give Charlie Into trouble for stealling the Colonels's Dog and Bertha.I think the story is very intresting and im looking forward to finding out what happen's in the end.
Jamie-LeighM x
I think tommo and charlie will both go into the army and that is why the book is called private peaceful, because they will be called that . Charlie will still see molly nearly every day and soon they shall get married, and have a son, and they shall call him Tommo Peaceful after Tommo his brother. One day Charlie and Tommo (his son) go a long walk, they meet a friendly dog called Bertha. Charlie thought he was having a flash back. They started singing Oranges and Lemons but then they saw a man that was cutting down trees and the tree hit Charlie BOOM!! Charlie was squished like squished tomato, Tommo ran back to Molly as fast as he could with tears steaming down his little face.Charlie was DEAD !!!!
by Natalie McMillan
I think Tommo and Charlie will split up and begin to argue alot. I think that the two of them will go seperate ways and that Charlie will go with Molly and they will grow up and have a family together.I think Tommo wil stay with his mother and go up to work with the Colonel.Suprisingly i think Tommo will become the new Colonel when the old onw dies.At the end i thinkCharlie will get crushed under a tree just like his father did.
From Amber x
Well done! Natalie and Amber, I am intrigued that you both think a tree is going to come crashing down and kill Charlie. We'll just have to wait and see!
I think Charlie and Tommo may start to drift away from each other.Charlie may get fired from his job in the kennels ,where he works for the Colonel,because he stole Bertha and hid her from the Colonel because he was going to kill her.I think the book is very interesting so far and can't wait to finish it.
Terri W x
I think that charlie will get fired from his job at the colonel's estate . He will then have to get another job elsewhere .Then charlie and molly will get married.Once tommo has finished school he will get a job with charlie and then they will join the army.
I think that the Colonel will know that it was Charlie and Charlie will get fired for stealing Bertha.Tommo wouldn't want a job at the esate but go to war as Private Peaceful and so will Charlie.While there at war a mine explodes near them and trees start to fall,one is about to fall on tommo but Charlie shoves him away and his leg gets crushed.
ithink tommo and charlie will join the army and fight in the world war.also i think something bad happens to tommo.
I think that Molly might turn bad and grass to the colonel where bertha is and then she and tommo will have a big row and split up but might reunite at the end
I think the Colonel will fire Charlie and they will kept Bertha.Then Tommo will get a job on the Colonel's estate.Then both Charlie and Tommo will go in to the army because the book is called Private Peaceful.Before the army Charlie will get married to Molly and have a child (girl).I also think Charlie will die in the army and Tommo will need to tell Molly.
Abbie M
This is what I think will happen...
I think Charlie will get fired but they will keep Bertha.Then after Tommo finishes school he will get a job at the big house.Meanwhile Charlie and Molly will get married and have a baby girl.Big Joe will always stay with Mother .Then Both Charlie and Tommo will go to the army. Then ,when in the army, Charlie will die and Tommo will be the one to tell Molly the bad news.
Abbie M
I think that charlie will maybe get fired if the Clolnel finds out that it was Charlie who stole Bertha and then will then need to get a job elsewhere.then Charlie and Molly will get married.Once Tommo has finished schoool he will get a job atthe Clonels estateand Charlie will join the army.if all of this will come true I will think the story will get more intresting and im look forword to finding out looks of more stuff that will happen in Private Peaceful.
I think Charlie and Molly will have a baby and move away with Bertha,I also think Tommo will join the army because it is called private peaceful and peaceful is a bit of the army.I also think molly will get ill again.The book is very interesting and i cant wait until i read on with the class.
i think that Tommo will go in the army but will die in the army and i think that maybe Charlie and Molly will get married and have a son and call him Tommo after his brother.Then i think that Charlie will get a job at the Colonels estate with Molly and they will see more of each other but i think when Charlie gets older he will join the army but a few years later he will die in the army and Molly will be heartbroken.
I think charlie could get fired because the colonel could find out that charlie stole the dog,Or charlie could get into trouble from his mother.
I think tommo will end up in the armay and i also think he might die.I think that because it says private peaceful on the front cover and that is a rank in the armay.I think he might die because he has been shot in a war and he is reminiscing though his life before he dies.
I think that Charlie and Tommo will go to the army because we discussed what "Private Peaceful" meant and Peacful means a person in the army. I also think that the colonel will find that Tommo has hidden Bertha and he will be forced to work for him everyday and night. Tommo has to suffer the consequences and watch the colonel kill Bertha and the colonel will get another dog,like Bertha but Tommo doesn't like it and kills it !!!!!!!
By Kirsty Templeton
i think colonel will find out that charlie stol his dog.and i think then the colonel will tell mother and the boys will get punished for it
"Private Peaceful" is the name of the book so I think that one of the Peaceful Boys will end up in the army but I still don't know how to explain the butterflies?!?
Anyway, I think Charlie may get found out with Bertha the dog by the Colonel and she will end up getting put down!!
The class realised that the names of the chapter are times counting down and I think thay are counting down to the death to one of the peacefuls boys...maybe Charlie could get hit by a tree!!
But thats something else we would all LOVE to find out but we'll wait and see and I can't wait to finish it in 1st year!!!
Abbie C xxx
Abbie Cuthbert, I cannot believe you are doing homework at this time at night!
I think that Charlie and Molly will get married. I also think Charlie and Tommo will go in the Army as the book is called "Private Peaceful". Mabey Charlie will die I think he might die but I hve no idea how. But I want toread the rest of the story and see what happends in he end !!!
Love Ashley xxx
I think Charlie and Tommo will get caught trying to takae bertha back to the Colonel as they thought it was a bad idea.I think that Charlie and Molly will will get married and Tommo will go to the army as the title is Private Peaceful.
Chloe Parnell xx
I think Charlie and Molly will eventually get together and get married.I think Charlie and Molly will move away and leave Tommo to take care of Mother and Big Joe.After a while I think Charlie and Tommo wll be taken to the army As the book is called Private Peaceful. While they is in the Army I think they will be told that there mother has died and Molly is looking after Big Joe and Charlie and Tommo will be let out of the Army to go to the funeral
I think molly might have a baby next because by the way the book is telling us its looks like it and i think thomas charlie might get shout because the colonel is sick of them poaching on his land
i think that they will join the army and Tommo gets shot in the arm and charlie will trie heal him but fails and Tommo dies of blood shortage and charlie and the rest of the squad win the war and bring peace to the village.
i think charlie will get sacked if the colonel finds out that he stole bertha.When Tommo leaves school i think that he will be forced to be sent to war then he will be PRIVATE PEACEFUL!
I think Charlie will get fiered and the colonel will keep beartha.
Tommo joins the army along with Charlie. Charlie will marry molly and he will get shot. Tommo dosen't want to hurt molly and tell her but knows he must for Charlie
I think tommo will get shot in a war or a fight and charlie will save him and take him to safty and trys to keep him alive but fails and tommo dies
i think tommo will die like his father out in the woods with charlie and molly and a tree might fall and kill him.
i think charlie andtommo will go to war and charlie will get shot.
i think charlie will go to war and will survive cause charlie is really brave and i dont think he will die
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